Harry & Chris Q&A
Posted on: 6th November, 2017

Harry and Chris are at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds Tue 7 Nov, ahead of that we sent them some questions to answer for us.
What’s been your favourite thing to sing about?
We love pandas, they seem like lovely creatures. We’ve not yet met one, as far as we know, and we hope they’re happy with us writing a song about them.
What was the most challenging rhyme to come up with on the spot?
Harry does most of the freestyling, and I’m answering this Q and A in his absence. People sometimes suggest ‘oranges’ as a freestyle option, and he usually fits in ‘syringes’ as a half rhyme.
Have you ever been to Bury St Edmunds before, if so what’s your favourite part of it, if not, what do you think it’ll be like?
I’ve never been to Bury St Edmunds before and I’m excited to find out all about it. So far the only thing I know about it is that the station is a 20 minute walk from the theatre, but I’m almost certain there are more interesting things waiting to be discovered.
Favourite musical style, each?
Chris: jazz, soul, funk, folk. Harry: Harry and Chris (probably)
One weird fact about each of you?
Chris: I’m colourblind. Harry: I’m not actually writing my answers
What three things would you take if you were going to be stranded on a Desert Island?
Chris: Harry, guitar, piano. Harry: Chris, spare guitar string, piano tuner
What’s your favourite way to pass a lazy Sunday?
Would you rather be attacked by one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
We’d take them both on, then pit them against each other, see who wins, then if we’re asked again we’ll know who’s weaker.
What’s your proudest achievement?
Being one question away from the end of this Q and A.
What subject would you like to sing/rap about but haven’t yet?
Bury St Edmunds. BOOM!
Questions by Aaron Weight.
Answers by Chris Read (and Harry Baker by proxy).