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How we are funded

We are an Arts Council England Regularly Funded Organisation. We receive crucial public authority funding from Suffolk County Council and West Suffolk Council. We are very fortunate to have ongoing and loyal support from our Patrons, Friends, Major Donors and Corporate Sponsors.

“Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds is special. It’s a jewel-box of Georgian elegance, lovingly restored after its years as a brewery barrel-store. Equally importantly, it serves its Suffolk town and us around it with artistic energy, intelligence and stimulating comradeship.”

– Libby Purves

We are a Registered Charity and raise 18% of our income through fundraising.  The Development Department raises this through: Memberships (our Patrons, Donor Friends and Friends schemes), Major Donations, Fundraising Events, Corporate Sponsorship and applications to Trusts and Foundations. On top of this annual requirement for core funding, we also raise money for projects to support our community and engagement work and education programmes.

For more information on how you can support Theatre Royal please contact development@theatreroyal.org

If you have any questions about our funding or supporting us, get in touch.

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