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Pantomime Deputy Stage Manager

The role

Directed by Theatre Royal’s Artistic Director, Owen Calvert-Lyons, our much-loved pantomime plays to 25,000 audiences and was nominated for four UK Pantomime Awards last year.


Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To assist in the preparation of the rehearsal space, including the markup, sourcing of rehearsal props and turnaround of rehearsal spaces.
  2. To be on the book for during rehearsals, ensuring relevant information is passed on as required.
  3. To assist in the sourcing and making of props and furniture for performances if required.
  4. To carry out necessary day-to-day maintenance including the set-up and resetting of props, furniture, and costumes as required.
  5. To cue lighting, follow spot, sound, flies and entrances as required.
  6. To set up and maintain rehearsal rooms, props and furniture stores.
  7. To keep a record of own hours and overtime and actors’ hours and overtime.
  8. To adhere to the Theatre Health & Safety Policy and to current legislation pertaining to the safe operation of theatre activities.
  9. Any other duties consistent with the UK Theatre/Equity Agreement, as requested by the Producer, Production Manager, or any other member of senior management.


£540.63 per rehearsal week £689.73 per performance week
Pantomime Deputy Stage Manager

To find out more, download the job description via the link below. To apply, please email your CV to our Head of Producing, Zoe Fox, via zoe@theatreroyal.org click here.