‘Now I feel more confident on stage than ever before’ – Feedback from the cast of Youth Theatre Presents
Posted on: 20th April, 2023

We’re delighted to share with you some feedback from some of the children who performed in our recent Youth Theatre Presents productions: Small Fry and The Changing Rooms.
This double-bill was performed by our 8-11 and 12-16 youth theatre groups and was met with resounding success. Audiences, performers, and creative team alike enjoyed every minute of the show. Here’s what some of the children who took part said about the process and performance:
“Before I started Youth Theatre, I knew a bit about acting and had a passion for it, but now I feel more confident on stage than ever before. These past 3 months, I have realised that my memory is stronger than I thought – learning all my lines for our production of Small Fry. Being a Predator has shown me how to change from being a normal person, to being a scary, mean predator, but also how once you have your acting ready, you still need all the lights and sound effects to make it a proper show. This experience has shown me that I would like to be an actor when I’m older!“
Sylvie, 8-11 Youth Theatre Group, Small Fry Performer
“I was really excited for the show. When we got there, me and my friends had a chat. After that, we lined up for the dress rehearsal. I wore leopard print jacket with a black top, black leather skirt, black tights, and black sparkle boots. I really really loved doing the shows and I’m happy I did it.“
Cerys, 8-11 Youth Theatre Group, Small Fry Performer
“I was so grateful to be a part of this year’s Youth Theatre Easter production, The Changing Rooms. When I first joined at the start of this term, I thought I wasn’t going to know anyone, but it wasn’t like that because everyone was so kind and welcoming. The rehearsals were never too long or too short. They were a fun two hours where we would sometimes play games, but we would get on with our scripts as well. Leading up to the tech rehearsals, I was a bit worried I wouldn’t remember my lines, but I remembered I had David and Emma to help me with my lines, and when it actually came to the performance I did a lot better than I thought I would do in this play. I am now one step closer to becoming a famous actor, stepping on the red carpet and winning my own Oscar’s award,“
Charlie, 12-16 Youth Theatre Group, The Changing Rooms Performer
“I love Mondays when I get to go to Youth Theatre! I have made some amazing friends, and Amber and Ted and everyone else are so kind to me. I found the shows really fun and I appreciated the dress rehearsal and the tech rehearsal so that I knew what I was doing and when. I am also very thankful for everyone who helped with this show and another big thanks to the costume fitters, taking so much time making and designing wonderful costumes for me, my friends and all the other groups too.
In my opinion, I think that this is a great club to go to if anyone wants to do drama. All nerves go after a good amount of time with your group. This is one of my favourite clubs I have ever been to!
My favourite thing about the last show was that I was picked to be a small fry and thank you to Amber for seeing potential in me and saying I tripled my confidence. All my thanks.“
Kitty, 8-11 Youth Theatre Group, Small Fry Performer
“I really loved being part of the play – it was a great experience and I want to do it again. I made fantastic friends throughout the year and really enjoyed spending time with them at the dress and technical rehearsal days. It was brilliant to get to perform with wonderful friends on Theatre Royal stage and I made amazing memories that I’ll keep forever!“
Ava, 8-11 Youth Theatre Group, Small Fry Performer
“I really enjoyed the part of the play where we danced at the end. I also enjoyed the costume fitting – I really liked my costume and to experience the rooms where only proper actors get to visit behind the stage. I liked playing on the grass between performances and just really enjoyed doing the play. It made me feel like a proper actor!“
Harry, 8-11 Youth Theatre Group, Small Fry Performer
“I really enjoyed the Youth Theatre show because it gave lots of people a chance to take part in a professional production, and it was a fun thing to do spending time with friends there at the start of the holidays.“
Iris, 12-16 Youth Theatre Group, The Changing Rooms Performer
“I love Youth Theatre because we play fun games, we meet new friends, perform plays, and we get to work with the costume department during our productions. We have to have costume fittings which are really interesting because you have to think about what the character would wear and what their style would be like. I could spend the whole day at Youth Theatre and keep learning more skills, I love it!“
Matilda, 8-11 Youth Theatre Group, Small Fry Performer